Sunday, January 16, 2011


So back in August, near the beginning of the month, I was riding my bike home from work, and somehow crashed my bike and woke up in the hospital.
In pain!

Not fun!

I don't recommend this to anyone. I'd scraped my hands and face up pretty good, gotten a serious concussion, and broke my top two front teeth, which are still rather sensitive and I'm not really supposed to use them, which is really not fun. I called my Mom from the hospital, after they took me for x-rays to make sure I hadn't broken anything. She drove two hours to come take care of me, and took me home for a week so I could recover.

While I was home recuperating, this involved a great deal of sleeping  and eating mostly mush because of my poor teeth, fortunately I didn't have much of an appetite because, as I've learned, mush is not very filling for very long, Mom introduced me to zentangles. Being of a somewhat artistic nature I was intrigued by how simple it was to make these complicated looking designs.

Incredibly awesome and complicated looking. Really easy to draw. I did this one at work on a sheet or 8 X 10 printer paper. It took a while cause I'm kind of a perfectionist... and I did it during my lunch break, so maybe 20 minutes a day. 

Since then I've had the idea for creating a blog titled 'All Tangled Up' cause I think it sounds kinda cool, and it sort of describes my life, although it's less tangled now then it was when I first came up with this idea. With the exception of my teeth, I've pretty much recovered completely from my accident, and want to start riding my bike again... However the weather is not co-operating so much and the roads are rather snow covered and icy. Not ideal biking conditions. I started a new job, one that can actually be considered a career, that I enjoy, and I'm able to have slightly more of a social life cause I don't have to be up quite as early in the morning. So here it is, my first attempt at blogging.

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